Technologies trends in Nepal

Technologies trends in Nepal

  • August 10th, 2021
  • Nectar Digit
Technologies trends in Nepal

The technology trend is a skill that refers to being attentive to the technology that is recently growing popular and is readily accepted in the market or business. It includes one’s strength to recognize and understand the value of any such technology for the progress of his/her business as well. The industry-wide recognition of specific technology can be seen either as an opportunity or as a warning to a particular firm. Either way, the technology trend information skills work as the most important asset. Ideal technology trend concerns the skills that would define a person's ability to match both the industry-wide technology adoption and exceed it.


In the context of Nepal, the use of various kinds of technologies is rapidly increasing day by day. Technologies like smartphones, the internet, computers, etc. During this period of the pandemic, modern technologies have been so useful to the people of Nepal. In the context of Nepal, the use of various kinds of technologies is rapidly increasing day by day. Technologies like smartphones, the internet, computers, etc. During this period of the pandemic, modern technologies have been so useful to the people of Nepal. Some of the use of technologies among Nepalese in recent days are listed below here.


  • Online class

An online class is a course managed over the Internet. They are generally carried through a learning management system, in which students can view their course syllabus and educational progress, as well as talk with fellow students and their course teacher or professor. To attend the online class we have apps like Zoom, MS team, Google Class, etc. Despite the pandemic, Nepalese students got a chance to study and finish their academic courses in time. Almost every citizen of Nepal has got an opportunity to study by staying safely at their home


  • Online Shopping

During this tough time of the pandemic, Nepalese still got various ways to buy and sell the things that they want and need. There are so many apps and websites available in the country for online shopping purposes such as Daraz, Sastodeal, OKDam, Thulo Online Shopping, Smartdoko, etc.


  • Online  Ride Sharing

Life has been so easy for Nepalese people than before. Especially in the case of transportation, locals don't have to wait for the microbus or taxi anymore cause there are too many options available in the market for transportation purposes. And those facilities are provided by companies like Tootle, Pathao, and Sarathi Pvt. Ltd. We know that because of COVID-19 it's better to keep a social distance, and traveling on a microbus to anywhere is not a better idea. So, recently locals are mostly using the app of Tootle and Pathao for transportation purposes.



  • Live Streaming


Livestreaming connects to online streaming media simultaneously recorded and broadcast in real-time. It is usually referred to just as streaming, but this abbreviated title is ambiguous because "streaming" may relate to any media delivered and played back together without requiring a fully downloaded file. We can watch the ongoing game at our home, don't have to visit anywhere, and can enjoy the game wherever we are.


  • Online Payment

Online payment is a given facility where we can pay the amount for purchased goods or services through the internet. Several apps are available in the country to pay the bills of electricity and internet, mobile recharge, etc. Khalti, Esewa, IME Pay, etc are the perfect apps for such kinds of activities. Even by staying at home, we can pay our bills which is the safest way to do it.


Future Possibilities of technology in Nepal

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the act of simulating human intellect but in the form of machines that are functioned to ideate like humans and also copy their actions. The model characteristic of AI is its sense to think and take actions that have the best chance of reaching a specific goal. And, such highly advanced technology has not arrived in Nepal yet. But Nepal is a developing country and technologies are thriving here day by day. So, soon it'll be arriving here.


  • Robotics

Robotics refers to an interdisciplinary sector that combines computer science and engineering. Robotics concerns the design, development, operation, and use of robots. Robotics aims to design machines that can benefit and assist humans. In Nepal, it isn't completely in trend but some restaurants like Naulo Restaurant and KKFC have already started to operate Robotics in their business. All that world-class waiter robots are made in Nepal by Paaila Technology. It has a very high scope in Nepal and will be in trend in the future.
